Haslam Park Primary School

Religious Education

EYFS and Key Stage 1:

 ks1 who is Jewish and how do they live.pdfDownload
 Year 1 and 2 What does it mean to belong to a faith community.pdfDownload
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 EYFS Unit F6 Which stories are special and why.pdfDownload
 KS1 Unit 1.6 Who is Muslim and how do they live Part 2.pdfDownload
 Unit 1.1 What do Christians believe God is like.pdfDownload
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Lower Key Stage 2:

 Unit 2A.2 What is it like to follow God.pdfDownload
 Unit L2.8 What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today.pdfDownload
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 Year 3 and 4 how do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews.pdfDownload
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Upper Key Stage 2:

 Year 5 and 6 What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1
 Unit 2B.2- Creation and Science - conflicting or complimentary.pdfDownload
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Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
