Haslam Park Primary School

Welcome to Year 3 Rosa Parks Class

Year Three Parks

Rosa Parks was an african american woman who lived in the last century.

Life for African Americans like Rosa was hard. At the time, the Southern United States operated under the ‘Jim Crow laws’ – a set of laws introduced in the late 19th century that claimed to give African Americans “separate but equal” status and treatment. But, in truth, there was no ‘equality’ whatsoever.

In the face of such racism, Rosa decided to make a stand for what was right. Together with her husband Raymond, she joined the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), working towards putting an end to discrimination and segregation.

But it was on the 1 December 1955 that Rosa truly sparked change. After a long day at work, Rosa boarded the bus home and took a seat. At that time in Montgomery, seats at the front of buses were reserved for white passengers, and the seats at the back for black passengers.

The bus quickly filled up and when a white man boarded, the driver told the African American passengers to give up their seats for him. Whilst the other black passengers obeyed, Rosa did not. The result? Rosa was arrested by the police and fined for breaking segregation laws! But Rosa refused to pay, and argued that it was the law that was wrong, not her behaviour.

On news of Rosa’s arrest, the black citizens of Montgomery came together and agreed to boycott the city’s buses in protest. This meant that from 5 December 1955 (the date of Rosa’s trial), African Americans refused to travel on buses. The boycott was managed by an organisation called the Montgomery Improvement Association, for which Dr Martin Luther King Jr was elected as leader.

The protest proved super effective, with more black people participating than had been expected.  And since African Americans made up around 70% of bus users, the city’s transport services made far less money and began to struggle. But it wasn’t an easy protest for the black citizens. Many of them didn’t own cars, and so they had to carpool together or walk long distances to get where they needed to go. What’s more, the boycott was received with anger by members of the white population, who responded with aggressive and dangerous acts of violence.

Nevertheless, the protesters stuck together and fought for their cause – and on 13 November 1956 their efforts were finally rewarded. After 381 days of boycotting the buses, the Supreme Court ruled that Alabama’s racial segregation laws were ‘unconstitutional’ – meaning they weren’t valid and should not be recognised. In light of such a wonderful victory, Rosa became known as “the mother of the civil rights movement”.


Presenting Rosa Parks class 2022 - 2023

What a beautiful view from the classroom!

Rosa Parks Class's Adults: Mr Lockwood, Mrs Patel, Mrs Taberner. Any issues please don't hesitate in contacting us at school or on Class Dojo. You are even more than welcome to stop us and say "Hello!"

Summer 2 Term

Maths- We will be learning all time, including calculating the duration of events. We will also be looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes which will include work on right angles and parallel and perpendicuar lines. Our final topic will be statistics where we will be looking at interpreting data presented in different ways.

English-We will be  reading  "The  Invention of Hugo Cabret" by Brian Selznick and using this as a stimulus to write descriptive pieces including diary entries and conversations. We will also be using the book to compare life in the past to the present and comparing the book to the film version. 

Science - Our topic is all about 'Plants'.

History- We are going to be studying 'The effect of  Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Scots settlement in Britain.'

RE- Our unit of study this half term is    - " How and why do religious and non-religious people try to make the world a better place? "

Computing- We will be looking at Information Technology with elements of Digital Literacy.

Music-  We will be working with Mr Dunkley from Bolton Music Service

PE- We will be developing our basketball and tag rugby skills.

Spanish- We will be taught by Senorita Ormes and we will be learning about 'Going out and about' in Spanish. 

PSHE- Our topic is 'Families and Relationships'

Art - Our topic this half term is based on craft and looking at the work of artists Annie Albers and Carl Giles.

Spring term author is Jeremy Strong. The children watched an interview with him, where he talked about his favourite word....chocolate!

The children were inspired to write and decorate their favourite words!

The children enjoying a well deserved end of term treat- watching Peter Pan by the National Theatre. They were so engrossed!

In RE the children were studying the Jewish Rule of Nine. They had to prioritise the 9 most important Commandments and explain their reasons why they had left one of them out.

Conscience Alley in RE. Should the Pharaoh, let the Israelites go and follow Moses?

Well done to the first group of children who are now using their black pen to write with! This means that their handwriting is consistently the best!


Mr Dunkley from Bolton Music Service is in each Friday to teach us, pulse, musical notation and the names of different groups of the orchestra. 

This week's learning

In English the children will be making predictions about their new story Stone Age Boy, responding to the text by using drama and understanding how characters are thinking and feeling.

In Maths the children will be practising exchange by crossing the tens and hundred boundary. They will be using base ten and place value counters.

The Science topic this half term is about Rocks. The children will be sorting rocks into the different types, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

The history learning will be about the Stone Age and whether Fred Flintstone is a reliable source of history for the Stone Age.

Art will be about the paints used by early man and Stone Age people. 

In Music Mr Dunkley from Bolton Music Service will be teaching the children about rhythm, pulse, notation. 

In PSHE the children will be learning about the different food groups and how to eat healthily.

PE will be learning different ball skills with Man Utd and learning how to catch a ball with one hand or two hands.


Year 3 Curriculum 

Rosa Parks Class Autumn 1 Timetable

Wb 19/9/22

The children are testing which toy car needs the largest force to make it move. They have learned to use Newtonmetres.

Rosa Parks Class have completed their first recognition board and get to work with some music of their choice playing in the background.  They worked as a team to make sure ALL chairs were pushed under the tables at home time. Well done!  What will be their next focus to work on? Find out!

School Day

8.45am - 3.15pm

Please make sure your children are dropped off and picked up on time.

Dinner and Snack Money needs to be paid on Fridays for the week after using the Parent Pay log in.

Please do not send any money into school.

School Dinners - £11.50 per week

Snack Money -  £1 per week

If you need any help with your Parent Pay account, please go to the school office.

If you think you qualify for free school meals, please see Ms Voraji in the school office.

PE is on Monday and Tuesday.

Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on Monday and Tuesday.

PE Uniform:

Dark shorts, white or green plain T shirt and trainers.

Dark, plain tracksuits can be worn for outdoor PE on Monday.

No jewellery to be worn.

Long hair tied back with a bobble.

Are you our next Times Tables Rockstar? Have you got what it takes to be a global, times tables phenomenon? An amazing Rock Star will spend 10 mins as often as they can, working on their 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10 timestables to earn the most correct answers! The highest earner gets our weekly certificate and a mention in assembly on Friday! Rock on!

Do you want to succeed as the Top Spelling Bee?

The Top Spelling Bee will spend 10 mins each night during the week, practising this week's spellings and getting as many correct answers.

You'll be buzzing and flying high!!!!

Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
