Haslam Park Primary School

Welcome to Year Three Moore Class


Our adults are Mrs Taylor, Mrs Haslam, Miss Patel and Mrs Lunn and you can contact us on Class Dojo or speak to us before or after school.

Our class is named after Captain Sir Tom Moore who was an army veteran  from Bedfordshire. He raised money for NHS Charities Together during the COVID-19 pandemic by walking 100 laps of his garden. Captain Sir Tom united the nation and gave us hope when it was needed most. 

We read the story of Captain Sir Tom Moore - have a look at the link below.

One Hundred Steps


Have a look at our weekly timetable below

Year 3 Curriculum


To support your child's learning in school please ensure they have the following in school everyday:

  • reading book and planner  
  • water bottle  
  • coat

Summer 2 Term

Maths- We will be learning all time, including calculating the duration of events. We will also be looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes which will include work on right angles and parallel and perpendicuar lines. Our final topic will be statistics where we will be looking at interpreting data presented in different ways.

English-We will be  reading  "The  Invention of Hugo Cabret" by Brian Selznick and using this as a stimulus to write descriptive pieces including diary entries and conversations. We will also be using the book to compare life in the past to the present and comparing the book to the film version. 

Science - Our topic is all about 'Plants'.

History- We are going to be studying 'The effect of  Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Scots settlement in Britain.'

RE- Our unit of study this half term is    - " How and why do religious and non-religious people try to make the world a better place? "

Computing- We will be looking at Information Technology with elements of Digital Literacy.

Music-  We will be looking at Jazz and also traditional instruments and improvisation.

PE- We will be developing our basketball and tag rugby skills.

Spanish- We will be taught by Senorita Ormes and we will be learning about 'Going out and about' in Spanish. 

PSHE- Our topic is 'Families and Relationships'

Art - Our topic this half term is based on craft and looking at the work of artists Annie Albers and Carl Giles.


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Children must wear the below kit to take part in the lesson. Earrings must be removed or covered if they cannot be removed. Hair must be tied up in a bobble and headbands must be removed. 

Please note that children must wear trainers. Plimsolls are not suitable for PE.


Every week your child will be set homework on Spelling Shed, TT rockstars and occasionally Purple Mash. You child will be listened to read in school but it is important that you listen to your child read at least three times a week and sign their diary. Mrs Roughley has asked every child to read every day at home, even for just 10 minutes.

Spelling Shed  link - Spelling Shed

Times Tables Rockstars link  - TTRS


Thank you for your support with your child's learning. 

Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
