Haslam Park Primary School

Year Six Bailey


Welcome to our class page. Our Class Teacher is Mr Hoodless and we are supported by Mrs Rabadia, Mr Shah and Miss Quinn.


We are delighted to be named Bailey Class after the first black firefighter in the United Kingdom - Frank Bailey.

We are a 'liberty' class.

We know that the meaning of liberty is having the freedom to live as you  wish or who where you want to. We revisit the British Values  constantly throughout our learning.

Spring 1 Class Timetable

Autumn 2 Class Timetable

Year 6 Curriculum

Homework this term is Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars.

Spelling Shed


Times Tables Rockstars




Year 6 is the final year in Key Stage Two. The majority of children in Year 6 will sit SATs tests in May. They will sit three Maths tests, a SPAG test and a Reading Test. The children become very familiar with the question formats through the year and go into the test confident and ready. 

Children will be given practice questions to complete at home during the spring and summer terms. There will also be a SATs booster group after school. 

The following website will give you more information:



Autumn 1

This half-term we are studying:

Maths - Four operations and place value

English - Who let the God's Out and The Journey

Science - Properties of materials

History - Ancient Sumer

Art - Photography

Autumn 2

This half-term we are studying:

Maths - Multiplication, division and fractions

English - No Ballet Shoes in Syria

Science - Forces

Geography - United Kingdom

Design and Technology - Designing and making waistcoats

Spring 2

This half-term we are studying:

Maths - Fractions, Ratio, Proportion and Algebra.

English - Kensuke's Kingdom

Science - Space

History - Local History (Peterloo)

Art - Street Art

Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
