Haslam Park Primary School

Welcome to Desmond Tutu class

Teacher:  Mr Gough

Teaching assistants: Mrs Lunn, Mrs Dootson, Mrs Percy, Mrs Ahmed

PPA cover teacher: Mrs Patel.

Who was Desmond Tutu?

Desmond Tutu was a minister and civil rights campaigner who was involved in the fight against apartheid in South Africa. He is known for his campaigning for human rights and bringing an end to world poverty.

What we are currently learning in Tutu class:
Welcome back to school everyone - we hope you had a great holiday.


What are we currently learning in Year 5?

In English we are studying Beowulf an old English epic poem. It is one of the most important and most often translated works of Old English. Here is the link to the story if you choose to watch it at home. 
Maths - we are continuing to learn all about fractions.
Science - Space (after we finish learning about forces)
Music -  South and West Africa
R.E - Creation or Conflict
Art - Every Picture Tells A Story
DT - Mechanical Systems 
ICT - Computer Science 
History - WW2 The Blitz
P.E - Ed Start
Spanish - Healthy Eating - Going to the Market 


Year 5 Curriculum

Please see our Autumn 2 timetable!


Our PE days are every Thursday and Friday.  Remember to come to school in your PE kit on these days.


Homework expectations for this term are:

  • To read 5 times a week and record it in the yellow planner.
  • To log onto Spelling Shed every week and complete the spelling tasks set.
  • To log onto Times Table Rockstars to practice the quick recall of multiplication facts.  

Spelling Shed


Times Table Rockstars


Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
