Haslam Park Primary School

Year 2 Farah Class 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has appropriate PE kit. 

Welcome to Farah's class page!

Our class teacher is Mrs Harding-Yung and we are supported by Mrs Taberner and Miss Sherwood.

The best way to get in contact with us is through Class Dojo. Please ask if you need support with this.

Who is Mo Farah?

Mo Farah was born in Somalia but came to the UK at the age of eight. He is famous for his long-distance running and won Olympic gold in the 10,000 meters and 5000 meters in both the 2012 Olympic Games in London and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. In 2017, he was knighted and became Sir Mo Farah.

In Farah class we think he is inspirational because he always tries his best and has shown amazing commitment to being the best he can be at his sport. 

This Half Term's Learning 

In English, we will be learning about the story of The Fox and the Star. We will be writing a non-chronological report about Foxes and trying to put ourselves in the role of a character.

In Maths, we are going to be learning about fractions. We will learn how to identify various fractions and how to work out a fraction of a quantity. We will be continuing our homework that will be set on Times Tables Rock Stars also!

In PE, we will be working on our throwing and catching skills with the coaches from Man United and using PE with Edstart to improve our social skills.. This will be on a Thursday and Friday.

In Science, we are learning about living things and their habitat. We will be exploring what constitutes living, dead and never lived.

In Music, our unit theme is ‘Music from the British Isles.’ We will be exploring the history of music from this region and the variety it has.

In RE, we will be understanding Christianity and exploring the good news Christians believe Jesus brings.

In ART, our theme is Art and Design skills. We will be exploring these skills to improve and utilise them.

In PSHE, our topic is Economic well-being and we will explore the importance of this topic and how it can help us in different scenarios.

In Geography, we will be learning about contrasting localities. We will explore the village of Magurameno in Zambia and how it is different from our locality.

In Computing, we will be exploring the strand of Information Technology and discovering a pioneer in this field.

Year 2 Curriculum

Class Timetable

What to Bring to School

Each day we expect the children to bring the following to school:

  • Coat
  • Bag
  • Reading book
  • Diary
  • Library book
  • Reusable water bottle 


At Haslam Park, we encourage and foster a love of reading. Our children love to read and love to read as many books as they can each year! To ensure your child reaches their full potential in reading it is vital that they read every night.

When we read with children in school we help them build their fluency by supporting their word reading and we ask questions to help support their understanding. Below are the areas we ask the children questions in and some examples. Children use the 'reading dogs' to help them remeber each skill.

If you would like any help with supporting your child to read please speak with a member of staff. 

1a - Vocabulary

Checking that your child understands the words they are reading.

Can you find a word that means the same as scary?

1b - Retrieval 

Checking that your child understands what they are reading.

Where was Biff when they found the key?

1c - Sequencing 

Checking that your child understands the order of the story they are reading.

What happened at the beginning of the story?

1d - Inference 

Checking that your child can infer (use clues in the text) to work out why something has happened. 

How does Chip feel? What words in the text tell you this?

1e - Predicting

Checking that your child can use evidence from the text to predict what will happen next.

What do you think will be in the box? Why do you think that?


Home Learning

Children are set weekly home learning tasks on a Friday. This is set on Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Your child's log in is in the back of their reading diary. If you have any issues accessing these websites, please let Mrs Harding-Yung know. 

Children are expected to read with an adult daily and this forms part of their home learning requirement. 


Year 2 in the final year in Key Stage One. The majority of children in year 2 will sit SATs tests in May. They will sit two maths tests and two reading tests. The children will be very familiar with the content of the tests and although they are external tests, the children usually enjoy the chance to 'show off' their learning. The children become very familiar with the question formats through the year and go into the test confident and ready. 

Children will be given practice questions to complete at home during the spring and summer terms. There will also be a SATs booster group after school. 

Examples of the maths and reading papers can be found below.

The following website will give you more information:


PE Kit

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children must wear the below kit to take part in the lesson. Earrings must be removed or covered if they cannot be removed. Hair must be tied up in a bobble and headbands must be removed. 

Please note that children must wear trainers. Plimsolls are not suitable for PE.

Wigan Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5QL

01204 333393
